photo of an abalone shell, measuring tape & feather photo of a tooth mold and plastic pink flower photo of a red glass mug and a large shard of glass photo of a two jars with colored sand and a striped ceramic container photo of a plastic shell with a collection of chicken wish bones photo of a ceramic sugar bowl with a blue Mexican wood carving of a rabbit photo of a small rose covered tea cup and a roll of pins photo of a glass jar full of green parakeet feathers with a monkey sitting on top photo of a blue ceramic ashtray with small pieces of pastel material photo of a ceramic plate with Charles & Diana in relief in white photo of a tooth mold with red netting photo of a toy red dump truck with a white metal heart in the back photo of a set of stacking continers with a small white plastic chicken photo of a pink ice cream dish surrounded by white feathers with an image of a woman in flames in the dish photo of a blue toilet paper tube, two spools of flourescent thread and some silver sequins photo of a pewter container with a relief of a hedghog with a crown

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MTP (@thornepierce) • Instagram photos and videos